Thursday, 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas to all!

Well it’s been a busy week in the lead up to Christmas, trying to get lots of projects to a point where I feel I can leave them for a few days with out panicking about them.

I’ve had roughs to complete, colours to complete, amends to make, cards to paint and new book plans to start...and it feels like I am getting there..fingers crossed, one more day to cram it all in! Having been in my own busy bubble the last few weeks I can’t actually believe its Christmas in three days.

Anyway, I’d just like to say a big Merry Christmas to everyone out there who actually reads my blog, and a big thank you for doing so too! 

Now where's christmas cake...?

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A few bits and bobs

So I’m still busy as ever (and thankful for it too), but looking forward to a much needed few days off over Christmas. However at the moment I have my head buried in pencil work for a new book with Egmont Publishing - another great story from them!

Also, a couple of weeks ago I completed all the artwork for two picture books I have been working on for Igloo Books and happily got the thumbs up on it all last week. So I was very happy indeed.
They’re really funny stories, one set in a jungle about a very troubled little Elephant, the other set in a farmyard about a troublesome Cockerel upsetting his neighbours!

I can’t disclose much more than that but for now here’s a little peak of the worried little elephant character (something’s stuck up his trunk!!!).

I know I’ve already mentioned that the Treasuries are now available to buy, but I’ve seen they are also available on if you did want the links here they are...

Princess Stories: CLICK TO BUY ON AMAZON

Ballerina Stories: CLICK TO BUY ON AMAZON

AND...I received my copies in the post - yay!

So here’s a few piccies of the insides of Princess Stories (please excuse the poor photography - I’m blaming the bad winter light!)....

Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Treasuries are out!

At the beginning of this year I took on a job that I was both really excited about being asked to do but also just a little scared was to illustrate two Treasuries for girls compiling of 160 illustrated pages in each, so 320 pages of illustrations in total, in not too longer time. The biggest job I had taken on yet!

So, having manically completed two 1001 sticker books in January I then began work on the Treasuries in February. My head was full of pinks and purples and I pretty much breathed, ate and slept ballerinas and princesses for the first four months of this year.  Oh and I was basically a caffeine-fuelled sugar-boosted working zombie. However, it really was a fabulous project to take on and I really learnt a lot about my own illustration work whilst in the process.

And now months late I have spotted that they are available for sale. Woohooooo!

I have only seen them on one online shop for now, but am awaiting my own copies from the publisher and cannot wait to see them actually printed.

If you fancy taking a peek or why not even purchasing them (they could make a great christmas present for any little princesses or budding ballerinas out there!!!) just click the pictures below for the sales link.

Both Treasuries contain 16 really sweet and fun stories including Princesses and their magical flying horses and Ballet dancers trying to save their school from closure!

I hope to post up some photos of the books soon...

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Thanks Teddington Town

I was very pleased to see that I have been featured on ‘Teddington Town’s website. The site is a great source for local news, events & information and they have featured me on their ‘Art Update’ alongside Lizz Knutt, the Architects Gallery,  Mackenzie Gallery and The Landmark Arts Centre.

Thanks very much Teddington Town!!!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

More Xmas Card Spotting

It’s fast approaching Christmas  and so recently I’ve been snooping around the xmas displays in WHSmiths and was very happy to see two of my Xmas Card designs available to buy now.

The 12 Days of Christmas is a charity card pack with donations going to Tommy’s Charity. And the Mice designs are part of a two design box set. It’s a bit early to be saying this...but hey ho...Happy Christmas!

Photos of just the cards below...

Thursday, 10 November 2011

I now have a Facebook Page!

Marcel is pleased to now announce that I have finally created a Facebook page for my Illustration. I’m not sure if I have just added another thing for me to keep up to date and add to the ‘to do list’ but hopefully I’ll be a bit quicker at updating this one!

To see my page or ‘Like’ it...

Monday, 7 November 2011

Charity Xmas Cards in Oxfam

As I whizzed past the window of my local Oxfam something familiar caught my eye...of course it was one of the packs of the Charity Xmas Cards that I illustrated!

So if you fancy buying Christmas cards this year that will be sure to donate to a good cause then these might be worth a buy...(wink wink, nudge nudge)...

They’re also available to buy online at Oxfam. Here’s the link...Charity Xmas Cards

Little Shakers...available to buy!

Just a quick post to say the ‘Little Shakers’ books that I illustrated for Igloo Books are available to buy on Amazon. YAY!

For Noisy Jungle click here: NOISY JUNGLE

For Noisy Farm click here: NOISY FARM

Friday, 4 November 2011

Something that makes me giggle...

Ok, apologies first, I know it’s been a while since I have properly written on here, but as usual I never seem to have a spare minute. I have been busy working on Puzzle samples, Book samples, Fathers Day cards, new Christmas cards for WHSmith and illustrating two very funny childrens books for the lovely Igloo Books. I’d love to share a few of the illustrations but as they are very much work in progress I can’t share anything with you just yet. 

So all I have to give you for now is this very funny picture below, that I found on the web. Any time I get tired with work I just look at the little girls face...I can't tell if she’s laughing or screaming, but either way it makes me giggle so much...happy laughing!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Feeling a bit dizzy!

Sooooooooooooooooo much going on right now I’m feeling just a bit dizzy. 

Juggling a zillion different projects for a gajillion different clients which is calling for me to be uber-organised. At the moment its just leaving stars spinning round my head.

Not complaining though of course! Right...back to the ink pot...

Friday, 16 September 2011

Another Puzzle Available To Buy!

It’s that exciting time again when finally something I have illustrated a loooooooong time ago appears in the shops. This time it’s the dinky double-sided Pet’s Pocket Puzzle which is exclusive to Marks and Spencer. 

To order online or just have a peek click this link: Marks-and-Spencer-Pocket-Puzzle

Here’s a slightly bigger snapshot of the two sides of this puzzle... 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

A much needed break...

Just thought I’d share a couple of pics from my holiday in Portinatx, a beautiful and peaceful spot on northern coast of Ibiza. 

After a week of burning hot sun it was a bit of a shock to the system coming back to rainy old England. 
Although, perhaps its a blessing just means I can stay in my dry and (relatively) warm studio and get on with all the many illustration projects I have on the go. So back to the drawing board it is for me...

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Off To The Seaside

Marcel would like to apologise greatly for having neglected his blogging lately...he has just been far far far too busy with book covers, never ending book pencils, greetings cards etc etc. So finally he has decided enough is enough and after 9 months of hard work he is taking a little break by the seaside. 
Time to pop the paws up, slurp on a cocktail and enjoy the sun (fingers crossed!!)...

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Finally I have a website!

Marcel has been ever so busy with his technology head screwed on, and has managed to magic up a website! Unfortunately he is absolutely exhausted now and is putting his feet up with a slice of cake, so here is his friend Christophe Le Chat introducing the new website...

A slightly alternative Cinderella for sale!

Woohooooooo...It’s now officially available to buy! 

“Cinderella A Wheel-y Silly Fairy Tale” is published by Simon and Schuster, written by Tina Gallo and illustrated by ME!

The classic fairy tale Cinderella is retold with a silly twist in this playful, interactive format that's sure to keep little ones laughing. Readers can turn the wheel on each page of this paper-over-board title to choose the correct words needed to complete the scene and further the story. Once the "right" word is displayed, the art on the wheel completes the image. Silly options will entertain and guide readers to choose the correct word and image.

To buy a copy from Amazon simply click here:

Or to buy/view it on Simon & Schuster’s site click here:

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Exciting developments for Super Sam

I have recently illustrated a fab little book for Harper Collins called ‘Super Sam’. It is clever story written by a talented young writer Kaitlin Broadfoot, who actually won the ‘Collin’s Big Cat Writing Compettion’ at her school, which has given her the chance to see her story get published...and I was lucky enough to be chosen to illustrate it.

Click on the link for more information on the competition and winners:

The insides are top secret for now, but the cover is above and here’s a closer peek at the super dog that is Sam!

Busy again...

Marcel would like to apologise massively as he hasn’t been keeping his diary up to date. It is all due to his manic few days of drawing, sketching, scribbling, doodling and general inkiness for a number of very fun and exciting new books he is drawing.

More details to follow...but for now he is going to allow himself a well deserved slice of cake!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Feet up Friday

Morning all, and Happy Friday! So, Marcel thinks it’s a sunny day so everyone should put their feet (or paws) up and’s Friday!

P.S. This sketch was also my contribution to this weeks 'Doggie Doodle Friday' by Dog Sniffer.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

A Busy Busy Day

Phew! What a busy day. Lots and lots and lots of drawing done, very tired paws now. 

Hopefully will post some of the drawings tomorrow for a sneak peak! Here’s one for now...

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

A Brighter Tuesday

Marcel would like to report that Tuesday has been a much happier day, and that he bought three shiny brand new things today!

Monday, 18 July 2011

A Moody Monday

Marcel would like to report that he has had a rubbish monday and that he should have stayed in bed.

Marcel takes over!

Ok so Marcel has ever so kindly informed me that I am totally useless at updating this blog, so from now on he has taken over. Any updates, features and daily scribblings will be brought to you by the cheeky little mouse Marcel (until further notice).

So to start off he wants to share some of his sunday events with you...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

J'aime la France

Bonjour tout le monde! 

Well, I have always had a love for France (Paris in particular) but my love of all french things seems to have kicked in again lately (it tends to fluctuate somewhat). My beret has somehow reappeared, the croissants are out at breakfast and lunchtime has me longing for 'L’escargot et un verre de vin rouge’.
Perhaps not the most accessible or practical lunch whilst working.  

So, instead I have turned to scribbling french-type-things...hence the very quick little sketch from my sketchbook of 'le petit fille Madeleine’ and her cat.

Really I am also writing to say my apologies for not having written on here again for a while. I’ve been busy with greetings cards, educational illustrations, a great little picture book about a heroic dog and some bouncing little characters for another set of baby books. As its all work in progress I can’t really show any of it yet...but I will try to post more often! I promise...or shall i say "je promets”.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Shake, Rattle....and read!

MORE samples have been sent to me, yay! This time they are from the lovely people at Igloo Books.

At the end of last year I illustrated two very fun board books called ‘Little Shakers’. They are reasonably small books ideal for babies and very young readers. Each has a handle and a large rattle in the middle so the child can shake and rattle the book as they follow the story and it’s characters. They’re not in my usual inky line style of drawing, but instead in my younger softer style.

Here’s a few pictures if you fancy a peek...

and to the farm...